Fuel filter BRIGGS STRATTON 083100, 106200, 120200, 120300, 121000, 122000, 122300, 123300, 124000, 124300, 126300, 128300, 12S100, 12S400, 12T100, 12T200, 12Y600, 131400, 132400, 13H100, 13H300, 13L300, 15T100 15T200, 170700, 190400, 190700, 191700, 192400, 195400, 195700, 196400, 197400, 19E400, 19F400, 19G400, 19L100, 19L200, 201400, 202300, 202400, 204400, 205300, 205400, 207400, 20H100, 20H200 20S100, 20T200, 20, 200, 210300, 210400, 212300, 212400, 212900, 213400, 215700, 215800, 215900, 216900, 217800, 217900, 218700, 218800, 219700, 219800A219900, 21A800, 21B900, 21B700, 21B800 21S900, 21T300, 21, 100, 21, 200, 221400, 222400, 226400, 233400, 252400, 253400, 254400, 255700, 256400, 256700H260700, 261700, 280700H280, 00H281700, 281, 00, 282H00, 283700H284700, 284H 00H285, 00, 286700, 286700B286, 00M287700, 289700N28, 700P28, 700Q28, 700R28, 700, 28, 700, 28, 700, 290400A290700, 294700A303700, 311700A31, 500B31, 600C31, 700D31, 700E31, 700E31 700, 31H500, 31L600, 31M700, 31N700, 31N700, 31P700, 31P700, 31P600, 31P700, 31Q600, 31Q700, 31, 800, 31, 900, 31, 600, 31, 700, 326400, 331700, 350400, 350700 400400A401400, 402400B402700, 404400C404700, 421400D422400, 422700E42, 700, 42, 700

Code: 33270037


In stock
100% Guaranteed quality
Delivery by courier or to the post office
Secure payment


75 microns

The fuel filter is suitable for: BRIGGS STRATTON 083100, 106200, 120200, 120300, 121000, 122000, 122300, 123300, 124000, 124300, 126300, 128300, 12S100, 12S400, 12T100, 12T200, 12Y600, 131400, 132400, 13H100, 13H300, 13L300, 15T100, 15T200, 170700, 190400, 190700, 191700, 192400, 195400, 195700, 196400, 197400, 19E400, 19F400, 19G400, 19L100, 19L200, 201400, 202300, 202400, 204400, 205300, 205400, 207400, 20H100 20L200, 20S100, 20T200, 20, 200, 210300, 210400, 212300, 212400, 212900, 213400, 215700, 215800, 215900, 216900, 217800, 217900, 218700, 218800, 219700, 219800A219900, 21A800, 21B900, 21B700, 21B800 21M900, 21S300, 21T100, 21, 200, 221400, 222400, 226400, 233400, 252400, 253400, 254400, 255700, 256400, 256700, 260700, 261700H280700, 280, 00H281700, 281H00, 282, 00, 283700H284700, 284H 00, 285H00, 286700, 286700, 286B00, 287700M289700, 28N700, 28P700, 28Q700, 28R700, 28, 700, 28, 700, 290400, 290700A294700, 303700A311700, 31A500, 31B600, 31C700, 31D700, 31E700 31, 700G31, 500H31, 600L31, 700M31, 700N31, 700N31, 700P31, 700P31, 600P31, 700P31, 600Q31, 700Q31, 800, 31, 900, 31, 600, 31, 700, 326400, 331700, 350400 350700, 400400A401400, 402400B402700, 404400C404700, 421400D422400, 422700E42, 700, 42, 700

Height: 44


External: 33

Internal: -

Connection: 6,8


The photos of the goods may not correspond to the actual appearance, color, configuration or shape of the goods and their packaging. The data provided on the prices of goods may in some cases differ from the actual price of goods.

additional information




